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An ordinance relating to vacancies in the office of council members.
Be it ordained by the governing body of the city of Lorraine, Kansas

  • SECTION 1.

    If any person elected as Councilmcmbcr fails to attend three consecutive regular meetings of the City Council without an excuse accepted by a majority of the governing body. such person shall be deemed to have resigned. and a vacancy shall exist and be filled in accordance with this Ordinance. 

  • SECTION 2.

    If any person elected as Council member fails or refuses to take and subscribe the oath or affinnation required or othe1wise neglects or refuses to qualify, within 30 days after election. such person shall be deemed to have refused to accept such office and a vacancy shall exist and shall be filled in accordance with this Ordinance. 

  • SECTION 3.

    If a vacancy in the council occurs by reason of acceptance of an incompatible office. resignation, death, removal from office, failure or refusal to qualify or otherwise. the mayor. by and with the advice and consent of the remaining councilmembers shall appoint a suitable elector to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the unexpired term. 

  • SECTION 4.

    All prior ordinances in conflict herewith arc hereby repealed. 

  • SECTION 5.

    This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its adoption, assage and publication in the official coty newspapper, the Ellsworth County Independent/Reporter.

Passed by the Governing body of the city of lorraine, kansas this 25th day of july, 2023

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